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Doggie daycare
For a lot of those dogs, especially those small ones with those short noses, it's hard for them to breathe in the Heat and then my wife used to work for 1 of those pet places and, uh, Tampa. And anytime they had dogs outside, there was always a person with them.

Short people
Hello, junkies? Uh, yeah, Sean. You're right about short people. They really got a rough. I mean, you really got to hand it to them. You have to otherwise, they can't reach it. Sure, people got no reason to live classic song. Thank You, twinkle, let it out.

Don’t use them as role models
Hey, guys, can we all agree that? Republicans and Democrats and independents alike. if you don't like, Donald Trump and you don't like the whole Maga thing. Can we not use them as Role Models stop doing violent stuff to these people? Let them spew their crap. If that's what you think it is and move on. We don't need to use them as role models of being violent and vulgar and mean Seriously, come on.

Hey guys. So Sean, when you were talking about um, Madison and, you know, they're trying, why isn't her mom in jail? Um, you know, hopefully they're they're making an airtight case and, uh, Gathering everything that they can to get her there. But it made me think of of Trenton Duckett for some reason. And, uh, the fact that, you know, I live in Leesburg. So it was very, um, heartwrenching at the time, seeing his, you know, picture and seeing all the people around here and hearing the stories. Um,

maga rally
Man. Now these morons are going to sell hats that say, make Vision great again.

Trump eyes burning solved
Hey guys, happy day. Sorry for the noise. Um, with the eyeballs burning at the Trump rally. I don't know if it's connected. Um, but there was a story that I saw on Reddit or a thread I saw on Reddit about Donald Trump having painfully bad Bo, and if these people were on stage with him, maybe it's just his natural funk.

What about your cowboy baths

Behind the knee space
The space behind your knee is called the ability of space at p. O p l i c e a l. Um yeah that's all I wanted to say. Enjoy

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