Okay, I'm talking about the Alexa that you all were talking about last week, I just was listening to the podcast while I was delivering my mail which I do every day. and the thing with the Alexa is, I have a lot of elderly on my route. with things like, Did maculation or degenerative eye, whatever. They have an Alexa. So if they wake up 1 morning and they're in the dark and can't see and they're all alone. They can holler to Alexa to call somebody. The other thing I use Alexa for is if I lose my phone, I have Alexa call my phone and that's really handy. So there are other uses for Alexa. You just got to get creative.
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Eddie 1 commented 2 days, 1 hour ago
Interesting. I just think it could easily be both, right? Like Alexa can be your new-fangled version of Life Alert or whatever and then Amazon could easily leverage their power to have AI-powered answers to complex questions.
The News Junkie commented 2 days, 1 hour ago